Aches and Pains You Should Never Ignore

Aches and Pains You Should Never Ignore
Aches and pains are a part of life. The simplest of things, like a paper cut or sleeping with your neck in the wrong position can causing pain. But what should you do when the hurt is something you can’t explain? Why do certain pains occur? Could the pain be a symptom of something...

Essential Tips For Managing Diabetes

Diabetes management
Diabetes can attack anyone, from toddlers to grown-ups. By definition, this is a disease which affects the ability of your body to produce or use insulin. When your body converts the food you eat into energy, this particular hormone is released to aid transport the energy to the body cells. If your system produces...

The Symptoms of a Heel Spur

The Symptoms of a Heel Spur
Do you think you have a heel spur? The condition is more than just pain in the feet. It happens when a calcium deposit develops between the arch of the foot, known as the plantar fascia, and the heel bone. You may also hear heel spurs referred to as osteophytes or calcaneal spurs, and...

Discover the Hidden Dangers of Ignoring Sore Feet – Protect Your Health!

Your feet have a complex anatomy, and they are quite vulnerable to a lot of health problems. They can tell you a lot about hidden health problems that you may have. In some sense, they are like windows that tell us what is going on with our bodies. Many at times people ignore the...

10 Foods That Are Almost Pure Protein

Foods That Are Almost Pure Protein
Protein can be found in a lot of foods, but certain options are better than others. From chicken to egg whites, choose these foods to pack your diet with protein. Protein is an essential macronutrient that serves many functions in your body. The recommended amount of protein is 0.37 grams per pound of body weight or...