Sore Throat Remedies That Work

Waking up to a painful sore throat is arguably one of the best ways to ruin your day, especially if you have a busy week at work. More often than not sore throats are associated with head colds, and if you are super unlucky they can also be accompanied by a cough and/or stuffy...

What You Need to Know About Legionnaires’ Disease

The Legionella bacteria is a type of bacteria that can cause many problems inside the human body. If the bacteria gets into the lungs, a person can end up with Legionnaires disease which is a form of pneumonia. Legionnaires disease (LD) is a type of respiratory illness, so it can make it difficult to...

What is The Number One Food That Causes Cancer

Food could be medicine. Unfortunately for many, the reality is that ultra-processed refined sugars, synthetic chemicals, and GMO ingredients make up a large portion of their diet, and these foods oftentimes contain more deleterious ingredients than beneficial ones. Moreover, those artificial ingredients and chemicals contain carcinogens, or cancer-causing molecules. Nutritional surveys that have been conducted...

Pooping Blood? Here are Some Common Causes of Blood in Stool

Blood in stool is related to many factors. It can be nothing to worry about, or it can indicate a serious medical condition. The amount of blood passed can vary from person to person, and is dependent on the cause of the bleeding. In extreme cases, there may be a great deal of blood...

12 Foods That Will Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

Millions of people have high and dangerous levels of cholesterol in their bodies and more than a third of them are at risk of suffering heart disease. As it stands, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world today and because of this fact, it’s definitely worth finding out ways in...